Chrissy Schneiweiss

Available for Privates: No
Available for Choreography: No

Chrissy graduated from Clemson University with a major in Elementary Education and a minor in Spanish.  She graduated Georgian Court University in pursuit of becoming a Principal.

In High School, Chrissy cheered at World Cup and was an ORIGINAL SHOOTING STAR.  She's coached at World Cup for over 15 years (Levels 2-5) and before that she coached Pop Warner.  During her tenure at World Cup she has coached an NCA winning team 4 times.

She is currently a 4th grade teacher in the Manalspan/Englishtown School District.  In her free time, she can be found at the beach and hanging out with her 3 young sons, Mason, Cameron and Jackson.  

Fun Fact:  Chrissy was featured in the Twinkle Documentary Chasing Perfection.