Sami Cetnar 

Available for Choreography?  Yes
Kutztown University College major? Sports Management

Did you cheer in college?  Yes

Did you cheer all-stars? Yes
Which gym did you cheer at? Jersey Devils

How many years have you coached at any gym/HS/rec? 10 years Range of levels that you’ve coached at any gym/HS/rec? Levels 2-5
How many years have you coached at World Cup?  7
Range of levels you’ve coached at World Cup? 2,3,4.2,4,5

Teams coached Satellites, Infinity, Galaxy, Starburst, Sonics, Omni

Sales Rep for Varsity Spirit Fashion

Spend time with my fiancé family and friends  and plan my wedding ;) 

Fun Fact?  Cheerleading has always been a family affair for me. My sister and I both coach at World Cup, last year we coached the Sonics together and our mom loves to come to our competitions and watch our teams!